Summer Educational Updates
Whilst it’s back to school for UK kids, Mr Suleiman, our head teacher at Bluebells School, has written to us, saying:
“We closed school last week on 10th August. Many parents attended the closing day and we have hope for the future of the school. Thank you so much for everything and for your support to the school. The teachers are well, and our school, whilst not entirely comfortable, keeps us working. Thank you again for all your support."
For those of your that assiduously follow our news page, you can see that the school structures are very basic in their construction – but at least offer shelter and a place for learning. Our goal at the end of this year is to have raised enough money to build at least 3 permanent classrooms. Meantime we continue to supply them with the basic curriculum books they need for their studies next term. Ours is definitely a more of a hand-up philosophy rather than a hand-out, creating a sense of self-reliance and a 'can do' attitude. It is heartening therefore to hear from Mr Suleiman that the school whilst very basic, continues to produce a good sound education for their children.
We were thrilled that we had 2 volunteers working in July at Bluebells School. Laura wrote:
“Having been back in Scotland for a month now it's a great length of time to see the effects my month at Bluebell's had upon my life at home! I spent 4 weeks teaching the year 7 students: Prisca, Christine, Mwasambu, Raymond and Jonathan a variety of lessons from Gravity to HIV prevention! All of these kids had a passion for learning, they were a teacher’s dream, soaking up the information and I'm sure they will all go very far in life with that kind of determination.
Myself and the other volunteer Olivia held a sports day on my last week where for the first time the kids did an egg and spoon race and were more than delighted to eat their boiled eggs when we had finished!
Bluebell's teachers and students really made me think about the impact I could have on people and I hope to continue to spread the word about them, fundraise for school supplies and return at some point to the school”.
The school LOVED having Laura and Olivia there – it was a real morale boost to both the staff and children. The staff were able to learn different methods of teaching, using their very basic resources, and for the children it gave them a real sense of purpose. Our thanks to Laura and Olivia for giving up their time for Bluebells. We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in volunteering, and can guide you through this. So please do get in touch if this type of volunteering appeals to you.