June = A momentous month for our Oceans!
We had ‘One Free Plastic Day’ this week on Tuesday June 5th , and our tailors were out collecting single use plastic from the beach on their doorstep. They take this message back to their communities and having being involved in the maiden voyage of Flipi Flopi in January, Team Bushbells are all ardent supporters of #plasticrevolution.
On Saturday June 8th, a team of the senior children from our school will be out in force to also ‘do their bit’ in collecting the plastics washed up on their beach shores. They care passionately about plastic pollution as they’ve seen its devastation on their environment and the impact this has. They are keen to contribute and want to learn how they can change.
June 8th marks the World Oceans Day. The Ocean is our future and it represents 99% of all liveable space on planet earth, and yet only 4% is protected. If we have no Ocean we have no Life. The message is that stark. June 8th also represents the start of one of Greenpeace’s most ambitious projects to date: Greenpeace Protect the Oceans campaign – aiming to make 30% of the world’s seas into ocean scantuaries by 2030. Team Bushbells are delighted to play their very small part in making this happen and spreading the word!
Find out where you can get involved with World Oceans Day here. The Greenpeace project can be seen here and the FlipiFlopi project here. Have fun and reduce that single use plastic!
Brilliant to see, and such a fantastic cause. Very impressive. Rory xx
Fantastic effort by everyone, keep it up throughout the year for that beautiful beach and sea , and worldwide beaches that are being so endangered.
This is such a brilliant cause and fantastic to encourage the children into our endangered climate and planet. Well done to all involved. This is a beautiful beach and if everyone could be more involved, what a difference it would make!
Harriett Jenkins xxx